As a member of the global shipping community, we are committed to complying with IMO regulations and reducing our environmental footprint wherever possible.

Partners in our Path to Zero

turtle in the sea
sailing for sustainability

Our Commitment to IMO

We recognize the importance of protecting the oceans and marine life from the impact of shipping activities. That's why we have implemented a comprehensive set of environmental policies and initiatives that guide our operations and decision-making. Our policies and initiatives include:

  • Compliance with all IMO regulations and requirements related to vessel emissions, discharges, and waste management.
  • Implementation of a sustainable shipping program that focuses on reducing our carbon footprint, enhancing energy efficiency, and minimizing waste generation.
  • Use of the latest technology and best practices to optimize our vessel performance and minimize our environmental impact.
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Best in class

The Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII)

The CII regulation is a set of measures implemented by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from commercial ships as part of efforts to combat pollution and climate change. As of January 1 2023, all vessels sailing the seas are required to comply with new environmental regulations from the IMO. By reporting their Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII), vessels will be given a grade from A to E. Due to our green vessel programme with continous vessel improvements, almost 50 % of the vessels in our fleet have received A or B ratings (2022).

hoegh autoliners ship
Höegh Aurora

The vessel of the future

With the future of cargo and zero carbon fuels in mind, the Aurora Class vessel is designed for a greener future. The Aurora Class represents a pivotal part of our path to a zero emissions future. With its 9,100 car equivalent unit capacity, the Auroras will be the biggest and most environmentally friendly PCTC vessels ever built. The Aurora Class will be the first in its segment to be able to operate on zero carbon ammonia and is set to transform the deep sea shipping segment.

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