Höegh Autoliners ASA – Mandatory notification of trade from primary insiders

Höegh Autoliners PCTC
DATE 14.12.2021

Oslo, 25 November 2021: Reference is made to the announcement on 24 November 2021, where Höegh Autoliners ASA ("Höegh Autoliners" or the "Company", ticker code "HAUTO") announced the successful completion of the bookbuilding in the private placement of shares (the "Offering").

The primary insiders of the Company and close associates of primary insiders set out below have been allocated shares in the Offering. All shares purchased by primary insiders and their close associates are subject to the offer price in the Offering, i.e. NOK 21.00.

Andreas Enger (Chief Executive Officer) has, through his wholly owned company Damgård AS, been allocated 100,000 shares in the Offering. Following completion of the Offering, Enger has an indirect shareholding in the Company of in total 1,820,135 shares (0.96% of the share capital).

Per Øivind Rosmo (Chief Financial Officer) has been allocated 50,000 shares in the Offering (0.03% of the share capital). Rosmo did not hold shares in the Company prior to the Offering.

Espen Stubberud (Chief Trade and Capacity Officer) has been allocated 15,000 shares in the Offering (0.01% of the share capital). Stubberud did not hold shares in the Company prior to the Offering.

Leif Höegh & Co. Holdings AS, a person closely associated with board member Leif O. Høegh, has been allocated 11,904,761 shares in the Offering. Further, Leif Höegh & Co. Holdings AS has lent 7,500,000 shares to the stabilisation manager in the Offering to facilitate stabilization activities.

Following the completion of the Offering and prior to the return of the borrowed shares, Leif Höegh & Co. Holdings AS has a shareholding in the Company of in total 84,017,841 shares (44.4% of the share capital).

Please see the attached form of notification and public disclosure by primary insiders and persons closely associated with them in respect of allocation of shares in the Offering and the lending of shares (https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/547820).

The shares allocated to primary insiders in the Offering, as stated above, are subject to a 12 months' lock-up from the first day of listing and trading of the Company's shares on Euronext Growth Oslo, while the shares allocated to Leif Höegh & Co. Holdings AS is subject to a 6 months' lock-up. The first day of listing is expected to be on 29 November 2021.

Further, the Company has resolved to award its senior management a bonus that may be converted to shares after a 3-year vesting period. The size of the bonus depends on the total shareholder return and is calculated as a synthetic option payoff where the strike price is equal to the IPO share price of NOK 21.00. Please see the attached form of notification and public disclosure by primary insiders in respect of such award.

For further information, please contact:

Andreas Enger, CEO
+47 901 31 228

Per Øivind Rosmo, CFO
+47 400 39 938

Media contact:
Safia Reddy, Head of Communications
+47 400 39 857

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in article 19 of the Regulation EU 596/2014 (the EU Market Abuse Regulation) and section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

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